Thursday, July 31, 2008
More Random thoughts from Jen...and some news.
I blog to tell my family and out of town friends about what is going on in my life...but they are busy and rarely read this blog. (don't worry I still love you guys). I blog to share my crafting projects and stamping...but I have been on a shopping freeze for the past year and my supplies are not cutting edge, my stamps have mostly retired. Also some crafters get irritated with blogs that share things other than stamping. (Sorry guys this blog is not for you then). I blog to share my views on the world, I blog to share "me"...but there are creeps out there and I don't want to share too much info. So I have really been thinking about what I want to do with my blog, where I want it to go. If I am writing to/for myself maybe I should just keep a journal?!?!?!
Until then I think I will just keep on blogging my life...bits and pieces of many things.
With that being said :) I have news! I am moving. I am just moving across town, but it is very exciting for me. I am going to be an apartment manager. In Southern California, with the price of housing and rent this job is golden! So in a few weeks I will be in a new location...
And after I unpack my new "stamping room" maybe I will have a few fun items to share.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Camp Dunamis and SERVE

This coming Saturday starts a new adventure in my life this summer. My church is hosting a SERVE group. During SERVE we will have 125 high school youth and their leaders join us from all over the US and Canada for a week of living out their faith though service. These kids/ adults take a whole week off of work or their summer plans to serve God. This week is all about knowing God and making Him known. The participants will split up and go work in our neighborhood and surrounding area. Some will be pulling weeds, painting, and cleaning. Others will be making meals and handing food out to those in need. Some might do light construction work. I am excited to see what God will do in and through these teenagers.
Pictures and more details will definitely be coming!