Saturday, April 26, 2008

Return of the Weekend Question

A while back I did a weekend question each weekend to get to know my readers more or sometimes to get opinions or advice about issues. This week I just want to know you better. I filled out a "finish the sentence" survey. Pick one of the sentence starters and write your sentence in my comments section. Or fill the whole thing out, post it on your blog, and leave me a link. To my family: this challenge is for you too!

Finish the sentence...
Maybe I should get off my computer and get some cleaning done.
I love the smell of fresh baked cookies.
People would say that I'm creative, but I don't feel creative at all.
I don’t understand how people can deny there is a God.
When I wake up in the morning my first thought is, “I wish I could sleep longer.”
I lost a $20 bill in the water at the beach one time.
Life is full of love.
My past is history.
I get annoyed when people are rude.
Parties are fun even though I don’t go to many anymore.
I wish I owned a house.
Dogs are loving and cuddly animals...usually.
Cats annoy me.
Tomorrow is a new day.
I have low tolerance for pain.
I’m totally terrified of the future. Not really totally terrified, but I couldn’t think of anything else.
I wonder why we don’t have a roadmap for life.
Never in my life have I been to Europe.
High school was fun, but I am glad it is over.
When I’m nervous I make stupid jokes.
One time at a family gathering I giggled with my cousins…actually that is most every family gathering J
Take my advice: don’t base your decisions on what other people think.
Making my bed only happens when guests come over.
I'm almost always on time to places.
I’m addicted to checking my email.
I want someone to help me clean my house.

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